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V32 Gipsbruk

Our adhesive for gypsum boards is a dry pre-mixed gypsum compound to be prepared just before application by mixing it with water. This product is used for gluing gypsum boards to ceramic building bases.

In physical terms, it is a mixture of minerals, polymer dispersion, chemical modifiers and water. It has the consistency of a dense paste. It sets and hardens by evaporation of water from the mortar – the bond is irreversible process.


  • PROPERTIES - Bonding time, or the length of time during which the compound is to be used after it has been mixed with water, depends on the temperature of the environment and the amount of water used to prepare the mortar. At 20°C and with the water to binder ratio of 1:2, the bonding time will be from 30 to 40 min. A lower temperature and a larger amount of water will extend the bonding time, while a higher temperature and a smaller amount of water will shorten the bonding time. At temperatures below 5°C, the bonding processes cease almost completely. Open working time, which allows for fi tting and correcting the positioning of a gypsum board pressed to the base, depends on base absorption rates and ranges between 2 and 10 min.
  • MORTAR PREPARATION - The mortar is made using only pure water, at a temp. of 5–30°C, at a ratio of 1 l of water to 2 kg of compound. The mortar can be mixed manually or mechanically using an electric stirrer. When mixing manually, the dry product should be poured into water so that portions of the product get soaked and fall to the bottom on their own. This procedure should be repeated until the entire water is absorbed. If just a 1-2 mm of water remains over the poured and soaked gypsum, the mortar will need to be mixed. After the mortar has been mixed thoroughly, it is ready to use.

WORKFLOW - The base does not need any preparation while this product is applied as intended. If used on old brickwork, old plaster, concrete or aerated concrete, the base must be primed. When gluing gypsum boards to a base, mortar should first be applied to the board surface, and only then should the board be pressed against the base. Portions of mortar should be applied 50 cm apart from each other, with approx. half a liter per single portion. Wet jobs should be performed at temperatures of 5-30°C. 

STORAGE - The product is packed in 10 kg and 20 kg three-layer paper ventilated bags with an antimoisture barrier. It should be stored under dry conditions in unopened, original packagings at temperatures ranging from 0 to 40°C. Pallets can be stacked on top of each other up to a maximum of three layers. 

GUARANTEES - Within a period of 12 months from the manufacture date as stated on the packaging, the manufacturer guarantees standard properties of the product, as long as it is used as intended and according to the widely applied rules of the art, and stored as recommended. 


The product has a Declaration of Conformity with PN-EN 14496:2007 and a Hygienic Certificate from the National Institute of Hygiene no. HK/B/1301/01/2009.